1. Payment
Payments can be made with most major credit cards, online from our website. Our online payment system is through Stripe which provides an encrypted and secure payment structure.
2. Cancellation and missed session policy
If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. The required notice for cancellation is 48 hours. Where there is less then 48 hours notice or if you fail to attend your appointment, the full fee will be charged.
Note: Normally we do provide for 1 miss every 6 months at no charge without being given the 48 hours notice for each individual we work with, for any reason.
Currently due to the Corona Virus we now allow up to 2 misses for clients at no charge without a 48 hour advanced notification. We ask clients who have cold symptoms not to come to in-person sessions.
At Anxious or Blue Therapy Clinic, we understand that all kinds of things can happen within a 48 hour period of time. Even if you just forget the appointment time or something else comes up, this is fine.
If you do need to cancel an appointment, we do appreciate you giving us as much notice as possible so we can try to schedule another client.
We will try to give you as much advance notice as possible in terms of holidays or of any other need to cancel a future appointment.
3. Confidentiality
Confidentiality is an integral part of the therapy process. It provides a sense of safety and allows clients to disclose sensitive information that may be needed to reach their desired goals.
At the option of the client; pre, during and post assessments may be made on issues to be worked on.
The only circumstance where confidentiality might be broken would be if there was a serious risk to the client’s life or if another person’s life was at risk; alternatively, in the rare instance where the executive coach was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings if they did not disclose client information.